Seed oils are not toxic and inflammatory


Danielle Shine: PhD nutrition student, Accredited Dietitian


  • Seed oils are toxic and inflammatory


A popular claim in wellness circles, seed oils are not toxic or inflammatory.

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) consist of two fatty acid groups: Omega 3 & Omega 6. Both are essential and can only be ingested via food or supplementation.

Linoleic acid (LA) plays a big role in Omega-6 fats. Seed oils are a good source for this fat. LA can:

  • support reduced LDL cholesterol and inflammation in the body

  • decreased risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, and premature death

Arachidonic Acid (ARA) is also found in Omega-6 fats and is health protective. This fat:

  • plays important roles during hormone production

  • may benefit muscle and cognitive performance

  • may increase or decrease inflammation

The three main acids in Omega-3 fats are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These acids:

  • play protective roles that can reduce risks of developing metabolic and inflammatory diseases

  • safeguard against the development of chronic diseases, especially when underpinned by excessive inflammation

Seed oils aren’t bad, unhealthy, toxic or inflammatory; they’re health supportive & associated with reduced inflammation + reduced chronic disease risks. Swapping saturated fats (e.g. butter) for PUFAs (e.g. canola oil) is recommended for good health, especially heart health.



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